
Showing posts from 2013

Dude Looks Like a Lady: Female Sexual Liberalism, Marriage and

Monogamy seems to be a widely accepted and harboured ideal for most. Which is a refreshing thought. It's also a surprising one, I'll explain why. I recently read in October issue of the GQ (Gentlemen Quarterly) Magazine an article by first time contributor Teddy Wayne, on the increasing number of women, married women, who occupy the cyber space of extra-marital dating sites. Yes, there is such a thing! The biggest provider of such services being, named after the founder's two daughters, and who's slogan is "Life is Short. Have an Affair!" Catchy.... It is Mr. Wayne's observation through statistics provided by  and other sources, that there has been a cultural/gender shift in adulterous behavior, or at least a more noticeable one. The disdained cultural stigmas of, "papa was a rolling stone; men are cheaters; or the dirty old man (who enlist the company of younger women at the expense of a faithful wif...

Monday Morning Humor

This has to be universally, one of, if not the most loved Cosby Show scenes. Enjoy!     

A Break To Discuss Cessationism and Charismatics

There were a few reasons why I started my blog, glorifying God is, and will always be chief among them. There were other practical reasons, like developing my writing and communication skills. Which I knew would carry lessons, some harder to swallow than others, lessons I would be thankful for nonetheless. I don't get comments often, to be honest, which would be discouraging, if I was doing this for popularity sake. One comment I did get, was in response to "Part 1" of this series, from a (I hope he doesn't mind) father in the faith. The comment was short, gracious and provoking. And I was struck with the value of blogging; done right, it can be a great forum for iron sharpening. Thanks brother Mark! Writing about "baptism in the Holy Spirit" was one of those topics I had in my back pocket for a while. I hard the phrase thrown around a few times, while visiting a church on island and immediately saw the biblical incompatibility, and decided...

The Charismatic Movement: Baptism in the Holy Spirit (Part 1)

  The Charismatic Movement also known as Pentecostalism is one of the most popular and rapidly growing movements within Christianity. It's impact resonates throughout the Caribbean, the US, Asia and even Africa and certainly within the Cayman Islands. Denominations like Church of God and First Assembly of God and others, have and do communicate doctrinal distinctives of the Charismatic movement - such as baptism in the Holy Spirit; while there are many non-denominations which may not distinguish by name, certain doctrines, but do practice and hold firmly to them just the same. Other major doctrine distinctives are tongues-speaking, prophecy, the gift of healing, with the emphasis on having a personal experience. Because we have seen growth and popularity with various cults (e.g. Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons) and false religions (e.g. Islam, Buddhism), growth and popularity cannot be used as points of reference for measu...

The Front Porch

I'm appreciating this new website launch, featuring (in my opinion) three modern day African American reformers: pastor Louis Love of New Life Fellowship Church (Vernon Hills, IL); pastor Anthony Carter of East Point Church (Atlanta, GA); and Thabiti Anyabwile First Baptist Church (Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands). A myriad of topics will be covered in the  TFP  website: preaching, books, life, and anything and everything effecting the African American Church and/or the Church in general. It isn't all tick removing or blemish identification however, there will be celebrating, laughing, sharing in the goodness that God is doing in body. To say that this website is necessary is an understatement. I was almost tempted to engage in some pouting as to why this took so long. But I digress, the website looks great, and I plan to be putting the resources provided to good use. God bless you guys, praying for much fruit!

The Pastor's Heart and The Altar Call

I grew up in a church culture where "altar calls" were (and are) a given. I can recall being in church as a youngster, experiencing the conundrum of wanting the sermon to end, and dreading that very end because of the emotional torment of being invited to the "alter" to "give my life to Jesus". Often times I was encouraged and sometimes, I was literally dragged, by the arm, out of my seat, to the front of the church by some elderly congregant; probably with the purest of intentions. I can date my own conversion, to a day in March, ten years ago, in my bedroom on a Sunday after church. And calling my best friend Collin to tell him the good news. Collin (a strong Christian) before my conversion, welcomed me to share in his life and modeled for me , biblical manhood (before I knew what that was), true friendship, and the joy of being a child of God. Needless to say his influence in my life, will echo throughout eternity; and ...

Monday Morning Humor

The worldly doctrine of "love at first sight" is laden with, emotional, physical and spiritual landmines, not to mention it's unbiblical. A doctrine that (if actually true) was 100% foolproof, only once in human history, when Adam saw Eve. This would have been a close second, only because its his wife at the other end of the camera! Funny stuff!

Defying Age and Gravity

Michael Jordan turned the big 5-0 this year. That same month (February) Julius Erving aka Dr. J turned 63. These two men are known for revolutionizing the game of basketball in their respective eras; His Airness picking up, where Dr. J left off. On the court, they became famous for their artistry and dominance, playing the game of basketball at another stratosphere than everyone else. Athleticism of their caliber, is known to have a shelf-life however, as one former basketball great put it "Father Time is undefeated!" They haven't altogether turned the clocks back, but theirs does seem to be going at a much slower pace than most athletes. And thus, with these videos, MJ and Dr. J have added to their legend and mystique, causing us mere humans to question their earthly origins, having defied both age and gravity, and a few added pounds.

Apologetics is for Everyone!

I can't remember the exact day I heard Ravi Zacharias' radio program "Just Thinking" for the first time. I do  remember, my first thought - "wow, we Christians have answers for those difficult questions" shortly followed by "and why has no one told me about this? " Me, a babe in the faith, hungry for knowledge: bought the books, downloaded the free, 13 and a half minute lecture clips, all 300 plus, and began to feast. In studying apologetics the bridge between my head and my heart was fortified. It supplemented the understanding of my hope, making me bold in communicating the source, reason, and exclusivity of that hope, found in the gospel and person of Jesus Christ. What is Apologetics If this is your first time hearing the word "Apologetics", it would serve you well to provide a definition at this point - John Frame (Apologetics to the Glory of God) defines Christian apologetics as such:   "Christian apologetics (which ...

Monday Morning Humor: Why Do Men Always Try to Fix the Problem?

You know they say "the best comedy, is derived from everyday life", and that's all I have to say about that. "It's not about the nail" -  classic!

Morning Meditation with The Prince of Preachers and The Sweet Dropper

 “Our Lord Jesus is ever giving, and does not for a solitary instant withdraw his hand. As long as there is a vessel of grace not yet full to the brim, the oil shall not be stayed. He is a sun ever-shining; he is manna always falling round the camp; he is a rock in the desert, ever sending out streams of life from his smitten side; the rain of his grace is always dropping; the river of his bounty is ever-flowing, and the well-spring of his love is constantly overflowing.” Charles H. Spurgeon "When we find our souls at all declining, it is best to raise them up presently by some awakening meditations, such as of the presence of God, of the strict reckoning we are to make, of the infinite love of God in Christ and the fruits of it, of the excellency of a Christian's calling, of the short and uncertain time of this life, of how little good all those things that steal away our hearts will do us before long, and of how it shall be for ever with us hereafter, as we spend thi...

Monday Morning Humor: The Next Taylor Swift?

I guess signing a five year 80 million dollar contract to play for the Houston Rockets of the National Basketball Association; then having the Rockets land coveted free agent Dwight Howard this summer, is cause for James Harden to have some fun. And who can blame him?

Heavenly Longing: For an Earthly Possession

Concerning this salvation, the prophets who prophesied about the grace that was to be yours searched and inquired carefully, inquiring what person or time the Spirit of Christ in them was indicating when he predicted the sufferings of Christ and the subsequent glories. It was revealed to them that they were serving not themselves but you, in the things that have now been announced to you through those who preached the good news to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven, things into which angels long   to look. 1 Peter 1:10-12 Of the heavenly beings - would that they were to share in the mortal disposition of longing, seems foreign; an intruder to logic, if they were any logic to speak of, that one can attribute to these creatures of the supernatural. Is not to them, the presence of the Almighty given, with no intermission, no time, with which to coddle or cultivate the depths of longing? Is not to them given, at present, the coveted task, of never ending worship to the cre...

Moday Morning Humor

So what do you get when you combine the movies 'Drumline' (srtaring Nick Cannon) and 'Braveheart' (staring Mel Gibson)? Well, you get this.......

Four Years of Forever!

  It's been four years since that lovely, gospel centred, grace filled day that I said "I do." Instantly "I" became we; "me", became us. And with the birth of our little ones - it was us, against them. Yes, it was a glorious day, read a bit about it here and here . And we were off! The two babies of our respected families; off to make our way in the world. I never imagined that we would be challenged right out the gates, but we were. God saw it fit to make visible, rather early, the uniqueness of sanctification in marriage. I found out rather quickly that I was not perfect; not that I didn't know this. Its just the daily reminder, was new and.....constant. Nonetheless, God saw us through good and bad times. Through selfishness, lack of communication, battles on how clothes should be folded; God got us through! Oh, not to mention, two toddlers; we covet your prayers for those two. I have to say that the grass is greener; the bird...

Jay-Z on Heaven and Hell

  A.W. Tozer once said that "we are all ignorant; just in different subjects."  And on the eve of the release of his new album "Magna Carta Holy Grail", Shawn Carter aka Jay-Z, (the rapper/entrepreneur) is proving once again, that business is not an area in which he lacks acumen. In his latest venture Mr. Carter has teamed up with Samsung who has bought one million copies of "Magna Carta Holy Grail" to give away, free to Samsung subscribers, through a mobile application, three days prior to the albums July 7th release. How about that; he can brag about being the only rapper that went platinum before his album dropped, literally. As a means to build anticipation for the album, there have been a series of videos posted on YouTube, documenting the creative process undertaken in the making of this album, a sort of video blogging, as Jay shares his insights on the album itself as well as certain songs feature...

Guest Blogger: My Bride On Heros (Father's Day Edition)

What is it about heroes? What is it about them that excites the most extreme, genuine, heartfelt emotion of honour and gratitude? I love a good hero. I love a good story with something heroic happening in it. You will find me blubbing whilst watching movies containing any vague act of heroism. My husband is my daughter's hero. I can tell. It's the way she looks at him and shouts "Daddy!" If I told her that Daddy could lift up a car she would believe, such is her faith in her hero. She seeks him out in the middle of night, begs for him to check on her and protect her from "The Measure" (her own special brand of Bogey monster). If Daddy leaves the house she is instantly on high alert for his return. Perhaps it is because when she was a baby she took naps in his nook. Perhaps it is because of the time he literally dived across the floor as she rolled off the sofa to prevent her from hitting the floor. Perhaps it is big muscles and an ability to do...