I'm appreciating this new website launch, featuring (in my opinion) three modern day African American reformers: pastor Louis Love of New Life Fellowship Church (Vernon Hills, IL); pastor Anthony Carter of East Point Church (Atlanta, GA); and Thabiti Anyabwile First Baptist Church (Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands). A myriad of topics will be covered in the TFP website: preaching, books, life, and anything and everything effecting the African American Church and/or the Church in general. It isn't all tick removing or blemish identification however, there will be celebrating, laughing, sharing in the goodness that God is doing in body. To say that this website is necessary is an understatement. I was almost tempted to engage in some pouting as to why this took so long. But I digress, the website looks great, and I plan to be putting the resources provided to good use. God bless you guys, praying for much fruit!
"I want to raise a generation of young people, imperious, relentless, and cruel." The man to whom these words belong is famous or infamous rather, for embodying those very characteristics himself. In an ambitious outworking of these very ideals Adolf Hitler would carve out his place in history, leaving a most pronounce scar on history itself, in the carnage he left in his path. During the Second World War at the outstretched hand of Hitler, millions would lose their lives. One German Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer would seek to place his hands in the ethical mud, plotting to kill Hitler in attempts to stop the killing. He would lose his life as well, executed for his troubles. Hitler however would witness his empire, built upon racial superiority, hate, prejudice, and violence, implode around him. He and his wife commit suicide, even their dog Blondi is poisoned. In the end, what went through Hitler’s head (besides that bullet of course)? If we were to follow his Darwinian/Nie...
While ingratiating myself with a new church here in Italy and in particular its young people - the Lord saw fit, in His kindness, to have me share in the joy of a few of its young people who crossed over from death to life (John 5:24). Even sweeter still, the most recent convert was won to Christ through the faithfulness of one of the members of the youth group who he attends school with, Soli Deo Gloria! I've noticed that books-to-read, has dominated my conversations with some of the youth - to make most of the fire God has started, while it is at its hottest. So I decided to compile a short list of books that I've found invaluable to my growth. This will not be an extensive list - readability and length will, for the most part, govern this list. I pray that this post is helpful for some to start, and for others to add, to their repository of brothers and sisters, past and present who fellowship, challenge and edify us through the pages. The Bible . Duh...right? Actuall...
The topics of homosexuality and same sex marriage seem a far way off as live issues of discussion concerning the Cayman Islands . As the conversation rages on elsewhere, the level of importance these topics garner increases exponentially; however on our islands, with road expansions and closings; questions of integrity in the government; elections; deficits and immigration laws etc., at the forefront of the public’s thoughts, it seems there just isn’t enough ink to lend to, dare I say, a non-issue. It is this that has left me in a conundrum of emotions, for I want to launch a preemptive strike from a Judeo/Christian point of view concerning homosexuality and same sex marriage, but the temptation is to simply relax. As seemingly only smoke is visible in the distance, but not the fire. Sure the occasional gay cruise ship requesting to dock off our shores, sparks conversation and some protest, but even with Human Rights being presently discussed, these are not areas anyone seems eager ...
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