Should We Baptize Infants?

Christian: My name is __________. May I speak to to you about the Lord Jesus Christ?
Non Christian: I'm a Christian!
Christian: Wow, thats great! May I ask when did this happened?
Non Christian: Well, I was baptized once as a child.
Subsequently, wisely discerning one who has repented and believed beomes rather difficult. To survey Cayman's Church History, its not difficult to trace the undergirding foundation for the practice as the first missionaries were Scotish Presbyterian. Like many practices in most our churches on island, infant baptism goes biblically unchecked or at least being held under the scrutinity of the scriptures in the form of an edifying, winsome, loving and informative discourse as demonstrated by Thabiti Anyabwile and Ligon Duncan.
Discontinuity, Old and New Covenants, Believers Baptism, Conversion and Communion are discussed in this helpful video. For more you can purchase Ligon and Thabiti's collaborative book.
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