Engaging the Culture

"How do we Christians best engage the culture around us with the gospel?” It would be an understatement to say that this is a live topic. Whether via blogosphere or black and white video conversations featuring a panel of well known pastors and leaders; the call of the Great Commission nudges us to consider, plot and scheme how we go about winniing souls. We talk about it not only because there is an obvious need for evangelism (“mission exists because worship doesn’t”), but there also lurks the temptation to cross that line of “being in the world: but not of it.” And then there is the question of how we biblically quantify “in the world: not of it”, as to get a grip on such a slippery reality with all its variables. How about why we engage the culture, is to a) bring about social change or is to b) win souls, or both. Whatever the answer we must admit the glaring reality that our hearts can betray, blind and yes justify methodologies which come short of biblical exegesis, some flagrantly short. Which makes knowing what God has to say on the subject that much more poignant.
This is why I so appreciate this timely, and sober exposition on Acts 17 by Voddie Baucham. Let’s see if we can quiet our hearts enough; and have God inform us how we best go about this task.


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