
Showing posts from February, 2013

Monday Morning Humor (Netflix)

We have Netflix at home as well. And I got to say, more time is spent trying to decide what to watch, than actually watching. Well, maybe that’s an exaggeration, but it’s an appropriate one, to thousands of Movie/TV Show titles available at the click of a button or the tap of an iPad screen. It's overuse is something we want to be spiritually mindful of; and I guess God's letting us know when this starts happening, a fast is well overdue. LOL!

Should We Baptize Infants?

Infant baptism is a quite normal and accepted practice, by most churches on these islands. In part the lack of a biblically inform approach to baptism and conversion has been a stumbling block to the gospel and the call to true repentance and faith. Ever heard this: Christian : My name is __________. May I speak to to you about the Lord Jesus Christ? Non Christian : I'm a Christian! Christian : Wow, thats great! May I ask when did this happened? Non Christian : Well, I was baptized once as a child.  Subsequently, wisely discerning one who has repented and believed beomes rather difficult. To survey Cayman's Church History, its not difficult to trace the undergirding foundation for the practice as the first missionaries were Scotish Presbyterian. Like many practices in most our churches on island, infant baptism goes biblically unchecked or at least being held under the scrutinity of the scriptures in the form of an edifying, winsome, loving and inf...

Engaging the Culture

  " How do we Christians best engage the culture around us with the gospel?” It would be an understatement to say that this is a live topic. Whether via blogosphere or black and white video conversations featuring a panel of well known pastors and leaders; the call of the Great Commission nudges us to consider, plot and scheme how we go about winniing souls. We talk about it not only because there is an obvious need for evangelism (“mission exists because worship doesn’t”), but there also lurks the temptation to cross that line of “being in the world: but not of it.” And then there is the question of how we biblically quantify “in the world: not of it”, as to get a grip on such a slippery reality with all its variables. How about why we engage the culture, is to a) bring about social change or is to b) win souls, or both. Whatever the answer we must admit the glaring reality that our hearts can betray, blind and yes justify methodologies which come short of biblical exege...

Dear Christian Hip-Hop

(The subheadings are titles of some of my favorite albums) Moment of Truth: N.F.L. (New Found Love) First let me tell you how my love affair with hip-hop began. Growing up in the Cayman Islands like most, if not all of the Caribbean, Hip-Hop was not at the top of the music genre list if nationally poled. Yet, now with television, radio, and the internet, Hip-Hop if not monopolizing, is as favored with the popular genres of choice. Anyway it was '96', I was in Primary School heading into Secondary School (the US equivalent of Junior High). Cable Boxes were being made available to all on Island for the first time (I know...) and I quickly became familiar with a minority owned cable station with a rather bold, unmistakable name, that struck a chord of familiarity (particularly due to my hue) B.E.T. Black Entertainment Television. Though it was not my first time hearing Rap Music, there was a certain euphoria felt when I first heard and now saw "One More Chance" b...