Guest Blogger: My Bride On Heros (Father's Day Edition)

What is it about heroes? What is it about them that excites the most extreme, genuine, heartfelt emotion of honour and gratitude? I love a good hero. I love a good story with something heroic happening in it. You will find me blubbing whilst watching movies containing any vague act of heroism. My husband is my daughter's hero. I can tell. It's the way she looks at him and shouts "Daddy!" If I told her that Daddy could lift up a car she would believe, such is her faith in her hero. She seeks him out in the middle of night, begs for him to check on her and protect her from "The Measure" (her own special brand of Bogey monster). If Daddy leaves the house she is instantly on high alert for his return. Perhaps it is because when she was a baby she took naps in his nook. Perhaps it is because of the time he literally dived across the floor as she rolled off the sofa to prevent her from hitting the floor. Perhaps it is big muscles and an ability to do...