Great Conversations: Jesus Talks with Hitler

"I want to raise a generation of young people, imperious, relentless, and cruel." The man to whom these words belong is famous or infamous rather, for embodying those very characteristics himself. In an ambitious outworking of these very ideals Adolf Hitler would carve out his place in history, leaving a most pronounce scar on history itself, in the carnage he left in his path. During the Second World War at the outstretched hand of Hitler, millions would lose their lives. One German Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer would seek to place his hands in the ethical mud, plotting to kill Hitler in attempts to stop the killing. He would lose his life as well, executed for his troubles. Hitler however would witness his empire, built upon racial superiority, hate, prejudice, and violence, implode around him. He and his wife commit suicide, even their dog Blondi is poisoned. In the end, what went through Hitler’s head (besides that bullet of course)? If we were to follow his Darwinian/Nie...