Sanctified by the Word of Truth: Scripture Memorization

Value of Scripture Memorization
The spiritual benefits of Scripture Memorization are numerous. To adequately appreciate the importance and the benefits of memorizing scripture, one must first understand the role of the written word to spiritual development:
The Word is Truth: Christ exclaimed that the Word of God was to be the very life blood running through the spiritual body: "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God." In the sanctification process (the process by which we become more and more like Jesus Christ and separated from the world) the Word of God, Jesus says, by the truth it contains, is essential to growth (sanctification) of the Christian (John 17:17).
God's word, makes God's people: The church of God is built upon the word of God and is nourished, protected, and grown, by the word of God (1 Cor. 15:1-2 / 2 Tim. 3:16). There is no better way to accomplish Col. 3:16.
Meditation is not Memorization: But if we are to meditate on the word daily (Psalms 1:2 / 119:15), there is no more invaluable skill to lend our time to than Scripture Memorization. With memorizing a passage of scripture, comes a deepening of the understanding of those verses. Once memorized that passage will be available for life-long review, while on road trips, while walking, while talking with friends, and of course when presented with an evangelistic opportunity.
Pack-in the Sword: The reading, memorizing, and meditation upon scripture causes us to hate sin and strengthens our regenerated resolve to fight against it. When we find ourselves in a moment of temptation, we are able to not only stand but launch an offensive attack against sin in the form of the "word of the Spirit which is the word of God." (Ephesian 6:17) Therefore did the Psalmist say, "How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to your word. With my whole heart I will seek you; let me not wander from your commandments. Also the benefit of comfort during trials and bereavement, power and wisdom for counseling etc. are strengthened by scripture memorization.
Heaven State of Mind: The word sanctifies us by transforming our entire worldview from secular to heavenly: "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." (Rom. 12:2)
Memorizing Books is Better Than Memorizing Individual Verses
Paul said "All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work." Most of scripture is written to make a case....there is a flow. Memorizing individual verses tends to miss intervening verses that an individual does not feel is significant. It also increases the likelihood of taking verses out of context .
Making the Commitment Before God
Go to God in prayer and ask him if he wants you to invest time in Scripture memorization. Seek to submit even in this which seems obvious, for while knowledge is essential to spiritual growth, knowledge without love "puffs up" (2 Cor. 8:2). God hates pride (Jm. 4:6). Once you sense from God, ask the Holy Spirit for help; and also for protection from pride. Humbly make a commitment and chose your book.
Choosing Your First Book
After your commitment is made, seek God leadership in selecting a book. things you should consider when choosing a book:
Not too long (or too short): Your first book should not be too long, lest you get discouraged and give up. A marathon runner does not begin training by running 30 miles, but must work up to it. Chose a book around 90-160 verses long. There are shorter books 2 and 3 John which God may lead you to.
One that stirs your passions: Choose a book that God has used to minister to you in the past. One that you think would be most useful in your walk with Christ and in your ministry to others.
Survey the Terrain
After you have assessed your option and sought God to direct you in your choice. Next you need to survey the entire length of the book to determine how quickly you can memorize it. Perhaps you can begin with one verse per day, six days per week. It is recommended that you take one day off to avoid burn out.
1. Count the number verses in the entire book.
2. Divide that number by the number of verses you will memorize per week. This is how many weeks the book should take you.
3. Look at the calendar and determine a tentative finish date.
4. Add 10% so as to not feel under tremendous pressure until you get used to this lifestyle (i.e. Ephesians - 155 verses - at the rate of 6 verses per week, will take 26 weeks or 6 months add 10% (3 weeks) for a total of 29 weeks)
5. Make the commitment before God.
Daily Procedures
Priority of reviewing old verses: Always give priority in your mind to the retaining of old verses, even over the learning of new ones. Begin everyday by reviewing old verses.
Repetition over time: Saying a verse 100 times in one day is not as helpful as saying it everyday for 100 days. Successful Scripture memorization hinges on, retention over a long period of time.
Memorizing the verse numbers: Memorize verse numbers as if they were part of the verse. This helps to keep track while reciting, that you not skip verses or entire paragraphs. Also while reading Christian Literature, you will be able to recall verses that cited, without looking them up. Verses should be said as follows (Ephesians 1:1-3):
One-one "Paul an apostle by the will of God.....
One-Two "To the saints who are in Ephesus, and are faithful.....
One-three "Grace to you and peace from God our Father.......
Ephesians 2:10 would be Two-ten. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Acts 25-27 would be Twenty-seven Twenty-five. So take heart, men, for I have faith in God that it will be exactly as I have been told. DON'T SHORT CUT THIS DISCIPLINE!! Memorization is made easier this way.
Memorization is partly visual. Burn each verse into your brain with your eyes. As you read each new verse ten times, read each word as though you were photographing it.
Saying the verse aloud to yourself is also a help in memorization. Not very loud, just loud enough that you can hear. Also add feeling and interpretation while reciting, this is a form of meditation.
Example of Daily procedure:
1. Day One: Read Eph. 1:1 out loud ten times, looking at each word as if to photograph each word with your eyes. Remember to include verse number. Then cover the page and recite it ten times. Day one complete.
2. Day two: Yesterday's verse first! Recite yesterday's verse, Ephesians 1:1 ten times, include page number. Look in the Bible if you need to refresh your memory. Now, do your new verse. Read Eph. 1:2 out loud ten times, looking at each word as if to photograph each word with your eyes. Remember to include verse number. Then cover the page and recite it ten times. Day two complete.
And so on....
Scripture Memorization is a discipline every Christian should seek and I'm sure the Lord is more than willing to grant to his people for reasons stated. I pray that these encouragements will be a blessing to you and your church. Have fun!!
Excerpts and structure taken from: An Approach to Extended Memorization of Scripture by Dr. Andrew Davis (First Baptist Church Durham)
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