Allow me to project some of my imperfections upon you. If you, like me, struggle with the regret of not having more of the Word of God committed to memory and find yourself from time to time or all the time for that matter, unable to remember where a certain verse in scripture is or like those show-offs able to recall book, chapter, verse and page number. I sympathize with you; but perhaps that regret should be ours to shoulder, as we may not have been (I know I haven't) good stewards of our time. Of course we thank God for those brothers/sisters that have been diligent in the reading and memorization of the Bible for their example. And we pray that the much fruit be the result of that diligence both in their lives and in the edification of their local church. Value of Scripture Memorization The spiritual benefits of Scripture Memorization are numerous. To adequately appreciate the importance and the benefits of memorizing scripture, one must first understand the role of the wr...