The Attributes of God: What Is Sin?
I'm loving Shai Linne's new album 'The Attributes of God!' I think I can say without error that no one to date in the Christian Hip-Hop community has dedicated an entire album to the subject matter. And if it was anyone that was certainly equipped to attempt a feat of such theological loftiness, to a rap beat, it would be Shai Linne. If you are a lover of God; a lover of Christian Hip-Hop; young or old; you will enjoy the God glorifying lyrics and banging beats to brother Shai's latest project 'The Attributes of God.'
I was particularly blessed by Track 8 "All Consuming Fire" which highlights a rather unpopular attribute of God, his wrath. This attribute of God is consistent with his holiness; absolutely pure and set apart. No other attribute of God reverberates throughout the scriptures regarding his nature quite like Holy, Holy, Holy (Isaiah 6:1-7). For it is the attribute of holiness which encompasses his nature and through which the other revealed attributes stem from. It is his holiness if even glimpsed by a sinner, that sinner would surely die because of his/her uncleanness. If his holiness condemns us, what then if coupled with wrath? "Woe is me" is right. If God stands so apposed to sin, with and eternity sized fire being fueled by holiness and wrath, how beautiful, how reassuring, how thankful should you be for the Cross?! For some the revealed attributes of God will culminate with wrath; while for others, when we see him it will result in the full satisfaction of sight, hearing, and imagination, and I would imagine all other senses, as it is written, "What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him" (1 Cor. 2:9)
When one asks or questions why God would judge anyone or questions this attribute of wrath against sin and sinners which is (Rom. 1:18) and will (Rom. 9:22-24) bring him glory he so rightly deserves; when christian brothers and sisters have trouble understanding the necessity and centrality of the cross. You can be sure that two things are not in plain view, God's holiness and our sin!
Here is the best definition of sin I have ever heard, from track 8 of Shai's album. There is a preacher who's voice I can't really make out, at the beginning of the track and this is his definition of sin:
The glory of God not honored.
The holiness of God not reverenced
The greatness of God not admired
The power of God not praised
The truth of God not sought
The wisdom of God not esteemed
The beauty of God not treasured
The goodness of God not savored
The faithfulness of God not trusted
The commandments of God not obeyed
The justice of God not respected
The wrath of God not feared
The grace of God not cherished
The presence of God not prized
The person of God not loved
That is sin!
If you are a sinner, repent and believe then give; if you are a believer, give praise! And buy Shai's album! Now available on iTunes.
When one asks or questions why God would judge anyone or questions this attribute of wrath against sin and sinners which is (Rom. 1:18) and will (Rom. 9:22-24) bring him glory he so rightly deserves; when christian brothers and sisters have trouble understanding the necessity and centrality of the cross. You can be sure that two things are not in plain view, God's holiness and our sin!
Here is the best definition of sin I have ever heard, from track 8 of Shai's album. There is a preacher who's voice I can't really make out, at the beginning of the track and this is his definition of sin:
The glory of God not honored.
The holiness of God not reverenced
The greatness of God not admired
The power of God not praised
The truth of God not sought
The wisdom of God not esteemed
The beauty of God not treasured
The goodness of God not savored
The faithfulness of God not trusted
The commandments of God not obeyed
The justice of God not respected
The wrath of God not feared
The grace of God not cherished
The presence of God not prized
The person of God not loved
That is sin!
If you are a sinner, repent and believe then give; if you are a believer, give praise! And buy Shai's album! Now available on iTunes.
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