Coversational Apologetics:Jesus Talks with Buddha

When once asked "who would be your dream interview?" Larry King without hesitating said "Jesus Christ of Nazareth!" Well, Larry will have his day in the sun, or should I say his day before the Son, as we all will, when Jesus returns and judges the deeds of men. Needless to say the world would have tuned in for that conversation, ratings would have hit the proverbial ceiling and beyond. While I’m on this course of thought, what other conversations would make your millennium, if you had the chance to witness them? Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X; Martin Luther and Brian McLaren; Lemuel Haynes and T.D. Jakes; what about John Calvin and Jacobus Arminius? In the book 'The Lotus and the Cross: Jesus talks with Buddha', author and apologist Ravi Zacharias gives us a respectable, and God honoring glimpse into the what if. In a conversational apologetic style, Ravi brings us court side into what the conversation might of been like, if Jesus Christ spoke w...