White Pathologies In “Social Justice”

Last month (October) was Black History Month in the UK. So once again children in school were exposed to great quotes from black civil rights leaders, learning about black inventors, and of course revisiting the BLM protests and riots. We are two years removed from those protests and riots that swept through several major US cities in the name of “ racial equality .” In the sheer chaos of it all, you may not have noticed the demographic makeup of the crowds. Which is understandable, considering the circumstances. Nevertheless, some did take notice, and even in their studies lauding the ethic and racial diversity of protesters, found that white people made up the majority of remonstrators. Just as interesting is the fact that the majority of white protesters and activists were also women, but that is a post for another day. Even now as society rests on a thin crust, atop a “ social justice ” volcano, ready to erupt with one mischaracterised police shooting. The majority of those who ma...