
Distinctions are important. Especially when lending your support to flawed countries, organisations or lavishing praise on flawed people. It's important for clarity - "I'm for this; although I recognise that." It's intellectually honest; it's mature; a sign of sober moral reasoning. It’s the recognition that some things are, well, nuanced. No where has "distinction" been stretched to its absolute breaking point, than in the case of Ukraine. It is universally agreed that a country’s sovereignty was violated, that it is right to mobilise resources to care for people who were displaced as a result, and that of course, we all shudder at the senseless taking of life, due to this conflict. Insert distinction here: We must now come to grips with the fact that governments, world leaders, corporations, eager to be on the "right side of history," may have devoted resources, billions of dollars, unwavering support to a highly corrupt nation. Which ...