The Christian and Reparations Pt.1 - The Scene(s) of The Crime

On the heels of a new wave of social justice advocacy, sparked in large part, by the high-profile deaths of black suspects at the hands of police officers, the discussion surrounding reparations for slavery has seen its most momentum to date. For some, the fatal interactions serve as jarring visuals, that buttress the claim of ‘injustices’ (including socioeconomic disparities) persisting as residual effects of slavery. This historical and cultural framing, though not new, has been given widespread legitimacy by race activist in media, remonstrators in the streets, partisan professors in the intelligentsia, and sadly preachers behind the pulpit. Subsequently, the perception of a large enough segment of the US population, it appears, has capitulated to this narrative, shifting “ the overton window ” along with them. Thrusting the discussion of reparations into the political mainstream, to even being featured in the 2020 presidential debates. My Introduction to Reparations. As an ...