Am I There Yet? What Is Spiritual Maturity?

This month marks my fifteenth year as a member of God’s adoptive family, wow…time does fly. I was reminded of my anniversary, while thinking through this particular post. Which is mainly a result of timely encouragement by a brother in the faith. As is typical with anniversaries I was prompted to reflect on the beginnings, introspect my present state, and hopefully in so doing, chart new course(s) for the future. With the hope that future projections don’t die the death of a thousand New Years resolutions or at the alter of procrastination, laziness, or just hard-heartedness. Which brings me to the matter at hand - my maturity in Christ. What is it? And how or can we gauge where we are on the spectrum? My How You’ve Grown! May I assume we all know what maturity means, there is the “ state of being mature,” where someone transitions in their thinking, understanding, self-awareness in and about the world, while demonstrating the ability to prioritise that which is most ...