Water to Wine and Some Thoughts on Miracles

"The conscious water saw its Master and blushed." Alexander Pope A friend recently asked me about miracles. He asked if as a Christian, “do I find myself trying to logically dissect and/or comprehend miracles? “Well of course my answer was, “no…. I understand everything God does, and every facet of the supernatural workings of miracles…….” OK, enough frivolity :-). The truth is, while on this side of glorification, finding oneself intelligibly questioning the metaphysical realities of the Christian faith is commonplace, what’s more, it is even healthy. Why? It signals the active engaging of the head with the heart. This is not to say that those who find miracles less intellectually provoking and accept without question, are without thought; or equally that those with more questions are diminished or diminishing in wonder concerning God and the miraculous. Quite simply, it speaks to our individual uniqueness as Christians: some of us are questioners; s...