The Charismatic Movement: Baptism in the Holy Spirit (Part 1)

The Charismatic Movement also known as Pentecostalism is one of the most popular and rapidly growing movements within Christianity. It's impact resonates throughout the Caribbean, the US, Asia and even Africa and certainly within the Cayman Islands. Denominations like Church of God and First Assembly of God and others, have and do communicate doctrinal distinctives of the Charismatic movement - such as baptism in the Holy Spirit; while there are many non-denominations which may not distinguish by name, certain doctrines, but do practice and hold firmly to them just the same. Other major doctrine distinctives are tongues-speaking, prophecy, the gift of healing, with the emphasis on having a personal experience. Because we have seen growth and popularity with various cults (e.g. Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons) and false religions (e.g. Islam, Buddhism), growth and popularity cannot be used as points of reference for measu...