Words Always Necessary!

I Didn't Say That! "Preach the Gospel always and if necessary use words." If you are a Christian, you might of have heard or read this quote once are twice and if you haven't before, well, you have now. And perhaps your first reaction is "cool quote", it was certainly my reaction. This quote has been attributed to the late St. Francis of Assisi (1181 or 1182 - 1226) though there is no church history to support the claim that he even uttered it. Though it sounds like something he would of said. But "why is he calling upon Church History to weigh in on a "cool" quote, you ask? Well, what if I told you that it wasn't such a "cool quote", perhaps you would consider the possibility for a moment, then retreat to the opine, that thats my opine. But what then, if I said that the quote was not biblical, that rather than affirming a biblical truth it served to undermine a truth at worse; obscuring at best, the union between a life whic...